Scientific advances in food safety and food security

Smt Rita Teatotia, Chairperson,FSSAI, participating in panel discussion during the FSSAI-CHIFSS Stakeholder Forum on “ Scientific Advances in Food Safety and Food Security”

Release of FSSAI-CHIFSS Risk Assessment Guidance Document – Novel Foods and Additives
(Ms Rita Teaotia, Chairperson, FSSAI, joined by Prof Alok Dhawan, Director, CSIR,IITR and the CHIFSS Steering Committee and Scientific Advisory Committee Chairperson and Members)
(Ms Rita Teaotia, Chairperson, FSSAI, joined by Prof Alok Dhawan, Director, CSIR,IITR and the CHIFSS Steering Committee and Scientific Advisory Committee Chairperson and Members)